PDO Pecorino Romano Collezione

Pecorino Romano is a hard, cooked cheese, produced with fresh whole sheep's milk, coming exclusively from the farms of the production area, inoculated, if necessary, with natural cultures of milk enzymes native to the production area and coagulated with lamb's rennet paste coming exclusively from animals bred in the same production area. Pecorino Romano has a thin crust of light ivory or natural straw color, sometimes covered with a neutral or black food protective coating.

The paste of the cheese is compact or slightly peeled and its color can vary from white to straw-colored more or less intense, depending on the technical conditions of production.

The taste of Pecorino Romano is aromatic, slightly piquant and savory in table cheese, intensely piquant in grating cheese. The cheeses are cylindrical with flat faces, with the height of the heel between 25 and 40 cm and the diameter of the plate between 25 and 35 cm. The weight of the cheeses can vary between 20 and 35 kg. The cheeses bear on the heel the mark of origin (a rhombus with rounded corners and containing within it the stylized head of a sheep) with the wording Pecorino Romano.


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5 months
Type of product
Sheep milk
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Pecorino Collezione

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